Just in time for Easter-sample some of the best darn chocolate you've ever had!
"FINE & RAW is a fresh new company that believes the future is beautiful. To help bring this thought to life we strive to be green and sustainable where ever possible.
We'll be the first to admit we're not perfect. From the big issues, like fairtrade and carbon foot prints, down to using energy efficient light bulbs, we're learning to be greener all the time.
Cacao is a shade grown plant requiring a foliage canopy to grow. Cacao farmers maintain the rainforests which provide natural symbiotic canopies for the plant.
All our ingredients are organic, which means no unnecessary toxins, chemicals or pollutants are pumped into the environment. Our packaging is recycled and the inks we use are non-toxic and vegetable based.
We like our planet. It's the only one with chocolate."